Makati City – NCCT received the 1st Oyayi DVD sets from CBN Asia led by CBN Asia’s President and CEO, Peter Kairuz and EVP-COO, Robert John Tan, on Friday, July 21 2017. The DVD sets include the full 13 episodes of the show, supporting their mandate in promoting quality TV programs that are appropriate, beneficial, and accessible to Filipino children.
“We just want to bless NCCT because they go around the country teaching the students about awareness on the consumption of media, so when they go around they would be bringing the DVDs, taking it to public schools,” John Tan said.
Oyayi is a children’s TV show co-produced by NCCT and CBN Asia. It discusses and creates awareness on the environment, culture, family, and arts.
“We wanted to promote child-friendly television and children’s TV programs and Oyayi fits that nature. We wanted these DVDs to reach our target audience, which are the children and the teachers,” said Luis P. Gatmaitan, NCCT’s Child Development Specialists Sector Representative.
Recipients of the Oyayi DVDs were NCCT’s Development Specialists Sector Representative Luis P. Gatmaitan, CPR-APR-Broadcast Media Sector Representative Ramon R. Osorio, Supervising Administrative Officer Desideria M. Atienza, Project Development Officer II Judy H. Gallleta, and Project Officer Ivanca Marie B. Tangpos.
At this time, the Oyayi DVDs are not open for public purchase but John Tan said that it will be available, “Soon. Very soon.”